JM Robles - Tech Consultant & Entrepreneur

Building LED Gates for Drones

Design and 3D Printing

It all started with the design of a 3D piece that allowed us to easily create gates using semi-transparent PVC tubing. After printing a few pieces, we decided to meet last Saturday to assemble some and see how the experience went.

Assembly and Testing

The truth is it was amazing. Building and assembling the gates was a rewarding experience, and we can’t wait to have the full circuit ready.

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Next Steps

Now we have to assemble another 5 to have a dozen. We also need to stock up on some batteries to keep the LEDs operational.

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TinyWhoop Races

For those who are not familiar with the term, TinyWhoop races are races of small-sized drones that take place indoors. These LED gates we are building are an essential part of the track, as they mark the path the drones must follow.

Stay tuned to our next posts where we will share more details about this exciting project and the upcoming TinyWhoop races we have planned.