JM Robles - Tech Consultant & Entrepreneur

Leaving Everything to Raise Robotic Crickets: My New Adventure

Hello everyone,

Today I want to share with you a decision that I’ve been pondering for a long time: I’m going to leave everything behind and become a robotic cricket farmer. Yes, you read that correctly, robotic crickets.

These little mechanical beings are not just a technological curiosity, but they are designed to have a mind of their own. The idea is that each one of us can have our own personal Jiminy Cricket, a little robotic conscience to help us make decisions and remind us of our responsibilities. Because let’s be honest, we’re all a bit like “Pinocchios” from time to time.

Robotic crickets are the perfect size to perform many simple tasks. Moreover, they are covered with a photovoltaic surface, which means they can sunbathe on their own to recharge. Goodbye battery worries!

Are you thinking that you would like to have one? Well, mark in your calendar the February 30, 2024, because that will be the day we will start the pre-sale.

I hope this December 28 is being a great day for all of you. See you at the cricket farm!

Robotic Cricket