JM Robles - Tech Consultant & Entrepreneur

Meeting of Associations and Groups for Tech Events in Granada

Meeting of tech associations and groups in Granada

Last Friday, October 11, a very special meeting took place at the PTS Foundation in Granada. This meeting brought together various associations and groups that share something in common: a passion for organizing technological events in our city. The main goal was to put faces to names amongst ourselves, sharing experiences and the challenges we face when carrying out these events.

Notable Participants

Some of the groups and associations present were:

Collaboration Opportunities

During the meeting, possible lines of collaboration were explored that could not only improve the quality of current events but also promote new joint projects. Imagine what could be achieved if we join forces and resources: from massive events that combine various disciplines to interdisciplinary hackathons that challenge our creative limits.

The Beginning of Something Big?

The most exciting part is that this meeting could be the beginning of something big for the Granada tech community. Enhancing collaboration between various associations could open up a range of possibilities unimaginable until now.

Future of Tech Events in Granada

Granada, with its growing tech community, has enormous potential to become an epicenter of innovation and collaboration in the tech field. This is just the beginning. Who knows how far we can go if we join our forces and share our visions!


We want to give special thanks to the PTS Foundation for supporting this initiative and for the great treatment they always provide us with. We love you!

The PTS Foundation became the perfect place for such an emblematic meeting, and we hope that this kind of gatherings will become a tradition to continue fueling the flame of innovation and camaraderie in Granada.

Do you have an idea for a future tech event? Join us at our next meeting!

Learn more about PTS Foundation.

See also