JM Robles - Tech Consultant & Entrepreneur

AI Workshop for Entrepreneurs: Discovering ChatGPT and its Applications

In our recent AI workshop for entrepreneurs, we explored a wide range of topics, from understanding what ChatGPT is to how to correctly create prompts and the wonders of ChatGPT Plus. We also discussed how ChatGPT can be integrated with other applications such as Telegram to enhance the efficiency of your operations. This workshop was developed at the University of Granada, in the Breaker space.

Understanding ChatGPT

ChatGPT, an artificial language model developed by OpenAI, is a powerful tool that can generate coherent and relevant text based on the prompts or instructions it receives. One of the keys to effectively using ChatGPT is learning how to correctly generate these prompts.

Discovering ChatGPT Plus

ChatGPT Plus is an improved version that offers additional benefits, such as the ability to send more messages, access new features before anyone else, and get priority in the waiting queue.

Integrating ChatGPT with Telegram

Finally, we discussed how ChatGPT can be integrated with other applications, like Telegram. This integration can be particularly useful for entrepreneurs looking to automate tasks and improve the efficiency of their business.

Developed at the University of Granada

This workshop was organized and conducted in the Breaker space of the University of Granada, a meeting place for entrepreneurs and companies looking to explore new technologies and business opportunities.

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