JM Robles - Tech Consultant & Entrepreneur

Reflection of 2023 from the olive fields

2023 is coming to an end, and today, on December 31st, I can’t think of a better place to reflect on everything that has happened than from the olive fields in Granada.

The Harvest

These dates are marked by the olive harvest for the production of that great treasure called EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil). This crop allowed my father’s whole family to be raised, something that honors my grandparents greatly. And here I am today, lending a hand in the harvest.

Professional Reflections

Professionally, this year has been great. I’ve managed to get into the groove of work and have completed a year at a company that has truly had many twists and turns.

Moreover, this was the first year I taught at the Chamber of Commerce MBA and it has been a very pleasant experience. I’m repeating this year and I hope to improve my teaching skills.

I have greatly improved my English level, something that now (almost) allows me to watch movies or series… without subtitles! Here I have to thank my personal coach Sarah.

Artificial Intelligence

This year has been full of Artificial Intelligence. I don’t know how many papers I’ve read and AI projects I’ve downloaded and tried. It’s amazing. I’ve worked with open-source models like Llama2, quantification techniques, and adaptive training like LoRa.

Here an example of running PHI-2 “Small” LLM model in my Raspberry Pi 5 PHI-2 on Raspberry PI 5

Personal Reflections

On a personal level, I am very happy to have been able to take my FPV drone hobby to the next level by creating the Alhdron association and holding our first talk/exhibition in front of more than 300 children… with a drone race included!

This video is a good example of what we did in Alhdron during this year

Although my face doesn’t usually show the 41 trips around the sun that I have… their effects are starting to be noticed. At the beginning of the academic year, I made the decision to sign up for functional training and it has been one of the best decisions I have taken. I feel and am in better shape.

I’ve also increased my cycling outings and it’s amazing to enjoy the routes we have in Granada. As for reading, I’ve already made a post… let’s just say I’m making appropriate progress.


I’m sure I’m leaving something out… but the important thing is that we have health to face this 2024 that we’ll soon be starting.

As I always say: “Cheers! We’ll work hard for the rest!” See you next year :)

Reflection of 2023 from the olive fields